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The President Voted…. Did You? WTMD’s 897 Greatest Songs of All Time Countdown.

Faculty members have voted. Staff members have voted. Students have voted. Listeners from D.C. to Pennsylvania have voted. Even President Caret has voted… did you? (Check out President Caret’s Top 10 list at {http://wtmd.blogspot.com/2007/01/presidential-top-10.html})

We’ve received thousands of votes for WTMD’s 897 Greatest Songs of All Time Countdown. Listeners voted for songs all over the musical map?from Classic Jazz to Classic Rock. Nearly every decade since the invention of the phonograph is represented. Our listeners think everyone from Elvis Presley to Elvis Costello should be on the list.

Do we have your vote? Click on this link?{http://websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/12345/top897ofalltime.htm}?to cast your ballot!

But you better hurry?Voting ends today at 5 p.m. Vote now! And listen to WTMD starting February 1 for the 897 Greatest Songs of All Time Countdown!