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ATHLETICS: Pigskin Pass this Saturday!

What is the Pigskin Pass???

Student-Athletes from Towson and the University of Delaware have joined together in the second annual Pigskin Pass, a fundraiser for Special Olympics Programs in Maryland and Delaware.

On the morning of September 22, Delaware student-athletes will run a commemorative football 29 miles, half way to Towson, to Aberdeen Festival Park. Following a brief ceremony featuring inspirational messages from the Mayor of Aberdeen, Pat Kennedy, Towson’s Basketball Coach and long time supporter of Special Olympics, and the Student-Athlete Advisory Council Presidents from Towson and Delaware, Delaware’s mascot “You Dee” will hand the football off to Towson’s “Doc”, and Towson runners will begin their portion of the relay run toward TU.

Over 200 athletes are expected to take part in this relay run between the two schools, escorted by law enforcement officers from Delaware and Maryland. The participating runners, accompanied by special Olympics athletes, will run the ball into the stadium prior to the 7pm kick-off of the Towson – Delaware Football game.

Runners from both schools are seeking donations for the Special Olympics programs in their respective states. A check for the total amount raised between the two competing schools will be presented to representatives from the Special Olympics organizations prior to kick off. Last year over $12,000 was raised for these important programs.

Please help the Towson athletes raise money for this very worthy cause. Log on to www.pigskinpass.com, and make a donation.

The winner of the football game will be presented with the Pigskin Pass Trophy at the end of the game. (Towson won the FB Game last year, and the trophy is proudly displayed in the lobby of the Towson Center!)
Gooooo Tigers!!