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TEDCO to Offer Funding Briefing on Campus

The Division of Economic and Community Outreach will host a Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) Funding Briefing on Tuesday, March 21, 9:45 – 11:15 a.m. in Administration Building, Room 424.

TEDCO offers a variety of funding opportunities for start-up and small companies to collaborate with a Maryland federal or higher education research facility on a technology transfer project. For the past two years, TEDCO has been ranked as the top funder of seed-stage companies in the U.S. by Entrepreneur magazine. This briefing will provide detailed information about funding programs, including:

? Aberdeen Technology Transfer Initiative (ATTI)
? Fort Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative (FDTTI)
? Maryland Technology Transfer Fund (MTTF)
? NAVAIR Technology Commercialization Initiative (NTCI)
? University Technology Development Fund (UTDF), and
? Working Capital Loan Fund (WCLF).

Attendees will learn about eligibility requirements, proposal submission guidelines, review processes, award conditions, reporting requirements and payback (MTTF and UTDF only).

These briefings should be of interest to economic development professionals, angel investors, entrepreneurs, small technology-based businesses, small defense contractors, university faculty inventors, and students considering a tech-based business future.

The briefing is free, but registration is required. To register, please contact David Minges of TEDCO at 410.715.4181 or {dminges@marylandtedco.org}.