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Meet U.S. Department of Homeland Security Senior Leader Thomas J. Lockwood

On Monday, May 9 at 7 p.m., Towson University will present Thomas J. Lockwood, Director of the Office of National Capital Region Coordination for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Director Lockwood will share his thoughts on securing the National Capital Region. As Director, Lockwood is a member of the DHS senior leadership team and is responsible for coordinating and strengthening ties between public, private, and regional authorities in the National Capital Region.

All Towson Faculty, staff, and students are invited as well as the general public. A question and answer session will follow Mr. Lockwood?s lecture and refreshments will be served.

This session is sponsored by the Division of Economic and Community Outreach in conjunction with The Edward V. Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series In Homeland Security. This series will bring to campus, distinguished leaders in the field of homeland security to share their perspectives on terrorism and national security.

Please join us in the Field House Minnegan Room at the Johnny Unitas Stadium Complex. To RSVP, please call (410)704-3200.