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Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum awards outreach grant, Dundalk High School to benefit

The Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum has recently funded an outreach grant to benefit Dundalk High School. The project “Navigating at Dundalk High School” will improve the teaching and learning of mathematics through the use of current educational technology.

Since increasing the mathematical skills of students is a top priority concern of all local educational agencies, any type of educational tool or pedagogical innovation that might enhance these skills would be enthusiastically embraced by teachers and students. Recent research has found that the use of the TI-Navigator system significantly improves student scores in algebra (Stroup, Carmona, and Davis ? 2005). The grant funds will provide both current educational technology and improved staff development activities, through use of this technology. In efforts to improve student performance at Dundalk High School, a GEAR UP school, there is evidence that the TI-Navigator system will help meet the mathematical and technological needs of students and teachers at the school.

Teachers can instantly assess student learning with this system. Designed to work with TI graphing calculators, the TI-Navigator classroom learning system provides wireless communication between students’ graphing calculators and the teacher’s computer. Teachers can attain a whole new level of interactive learning, which means more actively engaged students. The TI-Navigator system also allows teachers to gather real-time formative assessment through the Quick Poll application, which can lead to improvements in student achievement. The Activity Center allows students to interact with the teacher and each other in a cooperative learning environment. Students can explore concepts easily, which may lead to a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts and skills. The teacher?s computer is able to capture screen images of each student?s calculator. When used with Quick Poll, a teacher is immediately informed of every student?s progress.

This project will provide funding to purchase the TI-Navigator 32 System and to conduct staff development activities, in support of this technology, to mathematics teachers at Dundalk High School.

Contacts: Michael Krach ? {rkrach@towson.edu} 410-704-2977
Gail Kaplan ? {gkaplan@towson.edu} 410-704-4975
Todd Moyer ? {tmoyer@towson.edu} 410-704-4311

The Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum, affiliated with the Division of Economic and Community Outreach (DECO) of Towson University, is designed to foster excellence in business and information technology in an environment that promotes educational and networking opportunities for CIO’s facing similar challenges and issues. CIOs participate with peers to share information and experiences, and exchange best practices in peer-to-peer discussion sessions. More information is available at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/outreach/cioforum/}