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Clay Hickson hired to lead the Business Globalization Center–International Incubator

Mr. Clay E. Hickson began a new phase of his highly successful career earlier this week as the Director of the new Business Globalization Center, Towson?s start-up international incubator. Mr. Hickson comes to Towson University from the Rhoton Hill Group in the greater Washington, DC area where he was the managing director. He is also the Chairman and President of the Maryland-China Business Council.

Mr. Hickson has achieved significant results working with companies around the globe specializing in Asian markets including Taiwan, China and South Korea. Recently, he developed a 28-country marketing and communications plan for the clinical diagnostics field to catalyze international sales. Mr. Hickson earned a Bachelor?s degree in international relations from the George Washington University and a Master?s degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University. His studies focused on international economics and China relations.

?The center will serve as a gateway to international markets for product-oriented Maryland companies and as a magnet for foreign companies looking to market their products in the mid-Atlantic region,? said James P. Clements, vice president for economic and community outreach, ?Mr. Hickson brings with him an incredible background and skill set and we are excited about having him at the university.?

The Business Globalization Center also will offer workshops and resources to companies in the greater business community to help them compete in a global marketplace. It includes 5,100 square feet of office space at the Terrace Dale complex, 7401 York Road. The Business Globalization Center is an important component of Towson University?s Division of Economic and Community Outreach (DECO).

Companies interested in becoming involved with the Center should contact Mr. Hickson at {chickson@towson.edu}. Additional information about the Business Globalization Center is located at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/outreach/economicworkforce/businessincubator.asp}