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CIEE International Faculty Development Seminars — Call for Applications

Each year, the Council of International Education Exchange (CIEE) offers international seminars for faculty development. CIEE?s mission is to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world. The faculty seminars are one aspect of CIEE?s efforts to further campus internationalization.

The selection of faculty seminars for 2004 covers 17 countries, including six new offerings. The seminars are intensive 1-2 week overseas experiences that occur in June or July. Each program is a mix of lectures, site visits, and discussions with overseas colleagues.

The TU International Programs Office will fund at least one faculty member to attend a CIEE international seminar abroad in summer 2004. Preference will be given to faculty members who have not previously participated in CIEE seminars. Part-time faculty may apply.

Upon return, the faculty member is expected to document the experience in a written report, present seminar information to departmental colleagues, and incorporate the material into new or existing courses.

If you are selected for the CIEE funding award, you must then apply to CIEE for admission to the seminar by March 15, 2004. The applicant is responsible for the $50 non-refundable application fee.

Interested faculty should submit a letter of intent, approximately 250 words, explaining how the international perspective provided by the seminar will enhance their teaching and research. Send your letter of intent no later than February 6, 2004 to:

Liz Todd Lambert, Director for International Financial Services, AD 214
E-mail: {elambert@towson.edu}
Fax: 410-704-4646
Phone: 410-704-5416/2919

Further information is available at : {http://www.ciee.org/index.cfm}