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Middle Eastern Film Series – Palestinian Film

Sunday, March 7, 2004 ? Rana?s Wedding
Screening Room: Chesapeake 1, 7:00 p.m.
Introduced by: Professor Kimberly Katz, Department of History

Rana?s Wedding, Jerusalem Another Day by Hani Abu Asad (Palestine/Holland, 2002, 90 min. 35 mm)

When the abnormality of barriers and occupation become an everyday reality, love and marriage turn into fiction. Rana, a young Palestinian woman, sneaks out of her father?s house at daybreak to find her forbidden love Khalil. She is determined to marry him before sun down rather than go abroad with her father and leave her lover behind. Bottlenecked blockades and border bureaucracy delay her efforts, while omnipotent Israeli soldiers serve as a constant reminder of who and where she is. No one is immune to what is the daily grind for all Palestinians, and Rana’s moods manifest the stress and despair that an occupied people must deal with. Will Rana and Khalil be married in time? In Arabic w/English subtitles.

Contact Information: {kkatz@towson.edu}, phone 410/704-2906

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