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MB3 Club Meeting – Gene expression microarray studies

What do Mathematics and Computer Science have to do with Biology studies?

There?s PLENTY! Find out more at the MB3 Club?s seminar with our guest speaker, Dr. Giovanni Parmigiani, on Friday, March 30th, 2007 from 12:00PM at Smith Hall room 360 while learning about ?Gene expression microarray studies: Are they reproducible? Can they be combined??

Dr. Parmigiani has been professor of Department of Oncology, Biostatistics, Pathology, the Division of Health Sciences Informatics, and the Center of Clinical Health Policy Research at Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health. His research interests include models and software for risk prediction, statistical methods for high throughput genomic data analysis and complex medical decisions, and Bayesian modeling and computation.

Each and every one of us has about 22 000 genes, which we inherited from our parents and ancient ancestors. When these genes are ?expressed?, many of our traits can be revealed as whether we have (natural) curly or straight hair, and more importantly, whether we have certain diseases or not.

Microarray is very conveniently used to study gene expression in large quantity. The expression levels of these genes are measured based on the intensity and color of the emitting florescence light.

All are welcome, and light refreshments will be served.

For more information, please email K.D. Nguyen or Vanya at {MB3club.TU@gmail.com}

We look forward to seeing you at our discussion!