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Life Coaching/Career Coaching Presentation!

Alpha Kappa Psi presents: Life Coaching/Career Coaching Presentation!

Speaker: Sue Howarth from Success Transitions

Come hear a presentation about these cutting edge careers: Life Coaching/Career Coaching. It’s not all Dr. Phil or what you see on the Gilmore Girls. It is; however, life changing and a way towards positive living. Life today is mainly about transitioning; the simple and complex transitions we experience as we grow. Coaching fosters the skills needed for transitioning throughout life.

Additionally, we will talk about Mind Mapping. Organizing visually…through images and colors and creatively. You can put it all down on one piece of paper quickly, and its organization in a fun way. It is one piece of paper and it is FUN! Organization & Fun in the same thought!

You can take an authentic happiness assessment at {http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/}.

Take the VIA Signature Strengths & Authentic Happiness overall. That’s the top 2 assessments on the site. It is free. After you take the assessments, you can email the results to {successtransitions@comcast.net} and the Life Coach will review your results and can address results at the presentation.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Stevens Rm 111
4 p.m.

Contact Alpha Kappa Psi, Omega Kappa for more information.
{Ksmith35@towson.edu }

RSVP requested, but not required, via email so that we are able to get a rough count of how many people will be attending.