TU home | T3 | Water Outage Tuesday Morning

Water Outage Tuesday Morning

The following buildings will experience an outage of domestic and chilled water from approximately 4 to 7 a.m. Tuesday, June 24:

Newell Hall
Newell Dining
Richmond Hall
Cook Library
Van Bokkelen Hall
Stephens Hall
7800 Building
Smith Hall

Hawkins Hall (will have domestic water but no chilled water)
Psychology Building (will have domestic water but no chilled water)
Lecture Hall (will have domestic water but no chilled water)

The outage is the result of a water main tie-in at the Power Plant. The work is necessary to complete the water tie-in for the Central Power Plant project.

If you have any questions or concerns about the outage, please contact Mark Behrens at {mbehrens@towson.edu}.