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Construction Update

Campus construction is progressing on schedule during the summer months. Below please find an update on the major campus construction projects.

West Village
? Interior construction and finishing is approximately 95% complete.
? Construction on the retaining wall is complete
? Light pole bases are being installed along Emerson Drive and light poles are being installed in lot 22. Several parking spots are being used to accommodate the work, but it is not expected to affect student parking.
? Pavers have being installed on West Village Way, with the pedestrian street approximately 60% complete.
? Water line work is occurring between buildings and storm drain, water and sewer work continues in the vicinity of stormwater vaults.
? The area north of Lot 18 and Enrollment Services is being filled, and rough grade earthwork is being performed on the east-west portion of Emerson Drive.

Central Utility Plant Addition
? Interior Masonry is in progress.
? Exterior Masonry will begin within the next two weeks.
? Piping for new equipment inside of the addition has begun.

College of Liberal Arts
? The air/vapor barrier will be completed this week.
? Brick on the south facades will be completed this week, and brick work will begin on the north fa