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Protect Yourself in Severe Thunderstorms!

In this region, spring and summer is synonymous with the threat of severe thunderstorms. Protect yourself from thunderstorms by taking the steps below.

Before a storm:
– If possible, go inside.
– Avoid standing under trees or other tall structures ? lightning seeks the highest point.
– If boating or swimming, get out of the water and seek shelter immediately.

During a storm:
– Don?t wash dishes, use a computer, or take a shower. Lightning can strike plumbing or electrical wires.
– Avoid using telephones except in emergency situations.
– Stay away from windows.
– If in a car, do not touch anything metal.
– If outside, seek a low-lying or open place away from trees or other structures.
– Never attempt to drive through standing water.

After a storm:
– Stay away from storm-damaged areas.
– Listen to a radio for instructions and information about conditions in your area.

To stay aware of extreme thunderstorm warnings and other safety issues in the campus community, make sure to register for emergency text alerts at {http://www.towson.edu/textalerts}. For more information on emergency preparedness, go to {http://www.ready.gov/} or call the TUPD at x4-2134.