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Towson University Is Smoke-Free!

Towson University has set history as the first four-year institution in the state to become a smoke-free campus! Beginning today, all campus buildings, grounds, parking garages and open spaces are entirely smoke-free. The policy aims to reduce the health risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke, reduce health costs associated with smoking, and ensure that all members of the campus community have access to clean air.

Free smoking cessation aids and classes are available through the Dowell Health Center for students, faculty and staff who want to quit smoking. More information about cessation assistance is available at { http://www.towson.edu/dowellhealthcenter/services/smoking.asp}.

Policy Enforcement
The university?s primary goal is to achieve voluntary compliance with the smoke-free policy by educating students, faculty, staff, and visitors about the policy and providing smoking cessation assistance to faculty, staff and students who seek it. That said, enforcement is often necessary to aid in the adoption of a new policy, and there will be an enforcement agency monitoring compliance with the policy. In addition, TU Police and Housing and Residence Life staff are authorized to enforce the policy.

Any faculty, staff, or student who does not comply with the policy is subject to a $75 fine and disciplinary action through the Office of Human Resources or Office of Student Conduct and Civility Education. Visitors who violate the policy are subject to being escorted off-campus. Additional information about enforcement of the smoke-free policy is available at {http://www.towson.edu/main/lifetu/health/smokefree/faq.asp}.

Supporting the Policy
Individuals are encouraged to support Towson?s smoke-free policy by sharing information about it to individuals seen smoking on campus. Cards with information about the policy are available at the Dowell Health Center, the Office of Human Resources, residence hall community centers and the University Union Information Desk. Individuals are invited to take these cards and distribute them to anyone in violation of the policy. Smoking violations can also be reported to enforcement staff using the form available at {http://www.towson.edu/main/lifetu/health/smokefree/form.asp}.

Thank you for your support of a smoke-free Towson. For additional information about the policy, go to {www.towson.edu/smokefree}.