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Winter Break Safety Message

Another winter is upon us and so comes the holiday season. The University Police would like to remind the campus community of building security and office safety practices. By practicing safe habits you can help reduce your susceptibility to crimes of opportunity.

1. To help recover your personal electronics after theft, have them engraved with your driver’s license number. This service is a deterrent and helps the police identify ownership after recovery. Engravers are available from the University Police at no charge.

2. Increase your awareness of suspicious persons and situations. Always be aware of your surroundings when at home, work or shopping. If you have an uneasy feeling about a situation, get out of it. Don’t assume that everyone in a campus building is a member of the community or providing a service to the university – rely on your suspicions! Immediately report suspicious persons to the University Police at x4-2133 or 410-704-2133.

3. If you are leaving the house unoccupied for several days, have lights on a timer so that they switch on and off throughout the night. Cancel newspaper and mail deliveries or have someone you trust pick items up for you daily. Notify friends and neighbors that you trust when you will be away so they can watch over the house.

4. When going shopping, don?t take more cash or credit cards than you think you will need. If possible, do not shop alone and remember to stay aware of your surroundings and let someone know your shopping itinerary. Always keep your purse within your grasp (not dangling by the strap) and carry your cash or wallet in your front pants pocket to avoid being pickpocketed. Also avoid overloading yourself with too many packages at one time as this makes it difficult to walk and maneuver. Carry packages to your vehicle and place them in the trunk and then continue shopping. You should have your keys in your hand when approaching the vehicle. Don?t leave anything of value visible in the vehicle.

5. When going to parties or family functions, do not drink and drive. If you drink make certain you have a safe ride home via a designated driver or public transportation. When driving be extra attentive since the roads will be more crowded than normal. Remember to always wear your seatbelts.

For more crime prevention tips, contact the TUPD’s Community Crime Reduction Unit at 410-704-3403 or visit our Web site at {http://www.towson.edu/police}.

TUPD wishes you a safe and happy holiday season!