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How much can you reduce, reuse, and recycle?

Show us how green you are. With off-campus shuttles and single stream recycling, it?s easier than ever to be green on Towson?s campus. Now you can show the nation just how serious we are about conservation.

From February 6 to April 2, Towson will compete against more than 600 colleges and universities across the country in RecycleMania, a national recycling and waste minimization competition. You and your colleagues can make the difference between Towson winning or losing the competition. Take small steps to start conserving now–print double-sided, use a reusable cup instead of plastic water bottles, and read newspapers and magazines online instead of in print. Every small step adds up to make a difference.

RecycleMania standings will be posted weekly at {www.towson.edu/recyclemania} and on the Go Green Facebook page at {http://www.facebook.com/pages/Towson-MD/Towson-Goes-Green/52012350350}.