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Escort Program Reminder:

The Escort Program is a ?Safety? program specifically designed for those who are fearful of walking alone on campus. It is not solely a transportation program when University Buses are not operating or a substitute for the University Bus Service. The information below describes the service.

The Escort Program is established for those individuals who are fearful of walking on campus and would feel more secure with a Police Department escort.
In order to help keep students, faculty and staff safe during their travels around the campus, the University Police provide several types of “escort services.” Starting with nightfall and running until around midnight each night, ?Police Aides? staff a program known as “SAFEWALK.” Safewalk is a walking escort program wherein a ?Police Aide? will meet you at any location within the central campus area and escort you by walking with you to your destination, provided it too is within the central campus area. All Safewalk personnel are dressed in blue uniforms and are radio equipped.

For more outlying areas, the police department also operates a “Ride-Van” between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. daily. The ride-van will take you to any destination on campus.

After the Escort Services have closed for the night, police officers and police aides provide escorts to the community for those fearful of walking alone. Between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. police personnel will take you to any on-campus destination. However, because emergency and urgent situations can occur at any given time requiring an officer’s immediate response, citizens requesting rides with officers must plan ahead and be flexible. Delays in police response for rides do occur.
