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?Brave Girl Eating? Free Program at Center for Eating Disorders

Brave Girl Eating: Inside One Family?s Experience of Anorexia
August 25, 7-8 pm
The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt
6501 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21285

Center for Eating Disorders presents Harriet Brown for a talk entitled ?Brave Girl Eating?. Harriet is an author, professor and mother to a teenager who almost died from anorexia. On August 25th, join other invested parents, caregivers, and treatment professionals for an insightful and supportive discussion about one family?s intimate experience with an eating disorder. Harriet Brown will speak about her daughter?s ?slow, painful, infinitely courageous climb back to health? and share readings from her new book, entitled, Brave Girl Eating: A Family?s Struggle With Anorexia.

Sheppard Pratt?s Conference Center is within walking distance of campus. Check out a map at {http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Cross+Campus+Dr&daddr=6535+North+Charles+Street,+Baltimore,+MD&hl=en&geocode=FeAUWQIdbv9u-w%3B&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=39.393025,-76.61097&sspn=0.009933,0.014205&ie=UTF8&ll=39.392561,-76.614447&spn=0.009933,0.02238&z=16}

For more information, go to {www.eatingdisorder.org}. Questions? Please call (410) 427-3886 or email {kclemmer@sheppardpratt.org}

Concerned that you may have an eating disorder? Take a screening at {www.towson.edu/counseling}