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Religious Appreciation Week at TU

Please join us in celebrating Religious Appreciation Week Celebration 2007

Monday, March 12
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Diversity in Religion Information Break
University Union Lobby

Gather your thoughts while gathering information about the various religious groups on campus. Campus Ministry representatives will be on hand at tables provided to share information about the various religious practices and observances at Towson University.

6:00 p.m. One Campus, Many Faiths: A Woman’s Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue at the Marder Theatre, Center for the Arts Building

Hear keynote speaker, Ms. Sarah Hyatt, of the Christian Science Church, discuss the importance of religious diversity and interfaith dialogue. Ms. Hyatt invites her audience to find commonalities in their respective faith groups and stresses the importance of working together for the common good.

Tuesday, March 13
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Labyrinth Journey
University Union Potomac Lounge

Experience walking meditation and prayer through The Labyrinth Journey. This is an opportunity for you to achieve mindfulness. The labyrinth has its origins in the cathedrals of Middle Ages where it was a form of pilgrimage for those who were not able to travel to distant pilgrimage sites. Come spend an hour or so walking the labyrinth in contemplation and quiet, and allow yourself to experience its message of peace.

7:00 p.m. Work Driven by Faith: Motivation and the Call to Service
Susquehanna Terrace

A diverse panel, drawn from such organizations as the Lutheran Immigration Refugee Services, Sarah’s Tent, Outreach Through Service at Morgan State University, and Project Plase, share how faith has motivated and influenced their calling to a career in service.

Wednesday, March 14
5:00 p.m. The Drum Circle
University Union Room 317

The spirituality of the drum is the oldest gathering rite we know of in history. Experience this unique way of reaching your inner self with the context of a drumming community. It’s fun, religious, spiritual, captivating, and entertaining!

6:00 p.m. Student Interfaith Celebration
University Union Severn Lounge
Student faith groups join together in celebration and sharing of music, poetry, food, song and dance. Share your talent and faith through one of these mediums. All are welcome to participate.