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The Third Annual Pigskins Pass!

The Third Annual PIGSKIN PASS is a joint community service initiative sponsored by the student-athletes at Towson and Delaware held in conjunction with the Football game between the two schools each fall. The objective is for ?athletes to support athletes? by raising money for the Special Olympics Programs in both states.

The fundraising effort is given visibility by having student-athletes from both schools participate in the Pigskin Pass Relay Run, transporting a commemorative ?game ball? from the 50 yard line of the visiting school to the 50 yard line of the home school?s stadium prior to the kick-off of their annual football game. Student-athletes from each school run half of the 58 mile distance between the two schools on local streets with the support of Maryland and Delaware State Police. The hand-off of the ball will take place in a community park in Aberdeen, which is located at exactly the 29 mile mid-point, just off Route 40. This year?s Pigskin Pass will take begin at noon on Friday Nov. 7th, from Unitas Stadium, and conclude on Saturday, Nov. 8th , prior to the kick-off at Delaware..

Following the Football game, a Pigskin Pass Trophy will be awarded to the winning team. Towson won the FB game in 2006 and Delaware won the game in 2007. It is Towson?s turn to win the game this year and bring that Trophy home!

Please log on to www.pigskinpass.com, to learn more about this new tradition and to support our athletes by making a donation to this worthy cause.