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University Senate Meeting Agenda

University Senate

Date: December 3, 2010, 2010
To: The Academic Community
From: Jaye Knutson, Secretary of the Senate
Subject: December 6, 2010 – Meeting of the University Senate

The fourth regular meeting of the University Senate will be held on Monday, December 6, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. in Rooms 314-315 of the University Union.

? APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR November 1, 2010

New Business
1. Information Item. Update on Campus Safety by Colonel Gerst

2. Motions.

a. AAUP Motion 10/11-13. To approve the granting of voting rights to the Senate Lecturer Representative

b. Senate Motion 10/11-14. To approve voting rights for the TUSC Representative

3. Discussion Items.

a. November 22, 2010 Towerlight article on student?s access to classes. Read the article at: {http://www.thetowerlight.com/2010/11/should-signing-up-for-classes-be-this-hard/}

b. UPTRM Motions passed at the recent November 12, 2010 meeting

[1] Motion: The UPTRM Committee suggests the AR form be changed to no longer include a specific number. Rather, faculty would submit the entire evaluation report from the Assessment Office as part of their Annual Review. The motion passed unanimously.

[2] Motion: The UPTRM Committee understands that ?grade distribution? includes the class GPA. The motion passed by a majority.

[3] Motion: The UPTRM Committee registers its extreme concern over substantive changes that appear to have been made to the ART after it was approved by the University Senate and UPTRM Committee. For example, all the language in ART section Appendix IIIA-5 at pg. 15 after ?by secret ballot? was added AFTER the UPTRM Committee and Senate voted and approved the document. The committee approved the section up to secret ballot but not the remainder of the paragraph. The motion unanimously passed.

[4] Motion: The UPTRM Committee requests the TU member of the Council of University System Faculty (CUSF) representatives to review all University PTRM documents from other USM institutions and examine the language in each on the PTRM voting process. The motion passed unanimously.