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Jewish Holydays

This is a reminder that the Jewish holy days of Passover begin at sundown on Monday, April 5. Although Passover lasts eight days, the first and last two days are very important to observant Jews. Passover ends at sundown, on Tuesday, April 13. The Christian holy days ? Holy Thursday and Good Friday, occur on Thursday and Friday, April 8 & 9.

Classes are held on these days. However, in accordance to USM and University Policies, students may be excused from class because of religious observance. Students are obligated to notify their instructors if they will miss class and when. These dates are important to you in planning classroom instruction. It is recommended that exams, quizzes, presentations or other similar activities not be scheduled on the holy days.

Please remember that excused absences for religious observance do not exempt students from assignments or required work. However, students must be given the opportunity, where feasible, to make-up any assignment, test, quiz, etc., missed as a result of religious observance.

Faculty who will miss classes due to religious observance should inform their department chairperson and notify their students as soon as possible. They should assign, where appropriate, out of class assignments.

Staff members who will miss work due to religious observance, should notify their immediate supervisor so proper staff coverage can be accommodated. Staff members must use accrued leave.

If you have any questions about the attendance-absence policy as it relates to religious observance, please contact:

Bill Reuling, ext. 4-4632–Faculty concerns
Teri Hall, ext. 4-3307–Student concerns
Kathy Marsalek, ext. 4-6201–Staff concerns