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Maryland Writing Project offers Summer Teacher Institute

The Maryland Writing Project at Towson University announces its 23rd annual Summer Teacher Institute, a 6-credit graduate workshop that may be applied as electives to the Master’s Degree programs in the College of Education, and the Master’s in Professional Writing in the College of Liberal Arts. The Institute is built around a strong sense of professionalism and community. Participants share their best practices in teaching or using writing as a learning tool in the content areas, and explore their own educational philosophies through inquiry into their own practice and writing of their own.

All teachers, pre-k through university, and across the content areas from area public, parochial and private schools are invited to apply.

The Summer Teacher Institute is in session Monday through Thursday, June 28 – July 29 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. There is a Pre-Summer Meeting to be held on Saturday, June 19 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This year, there will be Institute sites at Towson University, the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center, and Walkersville High School in Frederick County.

Call the Maryland Writing Project (410-704-3593) for more information. You may apply on-line at {http://www.towson.edu/mwp}. Click on Summer Teacher Institute.