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Update on Flu Vaccines on Campus

The Dowell Health Center would like to thank the campus community for all of your inquiries regarding the arrival of the flu vaccine this year. The flu vaccine is expected to arrive in our office by mid- to late October. As soon as the vaccine arrives, we will notify the campus and begin our flu shot clinics. We ask that you check the Daily Digest rather than call our office for up-to-date information about the vaccine arrival date.

The Health Center will be offering the flu vaccine for $15 this year. Payment can be made by check or cash. Students have the option of billing the charge to their bursar account.

Who should get the flu shot:

Students who live in residence halls or multi-resident apartments because crowded living conditions may mean that the flu can spread more easily.

Faculty and students who have large or crowded classrooms since coughing and sneezing quickly spreads the flu virus.

All adults 50 and over.

Anyone at high risk for complications from the flu:
People with asthma or chronic heart, lung, or kidney disease,
diabetes, or weak immune systems.
Children 6 to 24 months of age.
Students up to age 18 who are on long term aspirin therapy.
Women who will be pregnant during flu season.
Adults 65 and over.

People who live with, work around or provide care to any of the above high risk groups.

Who should NOT get the flu shot:

The following groups should not get a flu vaccine before talking with their doctor:

People who have a severe allergy to hens’ eggs;
People who have had a severe reaction to a flu vaccine in the past;
People who previously developed Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in
the 6 weeks after getting a flu shot; and
Children less than 6 months of age.