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“Interview Fridays” began on March 12, 2004 at The Career Center at Towson University

The Career Center at Towson University is proud to present “Interview Fridays (IF)” for the Spring 2004 semester.

IF you need help polishing your style …
IF you want to improve your skills by hearing from the pros …
IF you want practice with real employers who give real feedback in a
non-threatening environment …
Then “Interview Fridays (IF)” is for you!!

Starting on March 12 and on every Friday during March and April, employers will be on campus to conduct mock interviews with students. Students can sign up via their eRecruiting accounts. To access or create an account go to The Career Center’s web site at {http://www.towson.edu/careercenter} and click on “eRecruiting log in” in the Quick Links area. Create an account, log on and then go to the “Jobs and Internships” area. Click on “with upcoming on-campus interviews,” select “mock interview” and click on the “apply” button. Then, select “resume documents to submit” and finally, select a “time slot.”

The mock interview entails a 20-minute taped interview followed by an on-the-spot critique by the employer. The videotape is available to you for $5.00 if you wish to purhcase it. Or, you may bring a blank videotape with you.

If you have any questions, please contact Cary Smedly at {csmedley@towson.edu}.