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Last Call for Flu Shots – Don’t Miss Out!

Flu season is here and it is BAD! Time is running out; our supply is running out. Don’t wait … get your flu shot now to be safe!

LAST FLU CLINIC: Thursday, December 4, 2003, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., University Union, First Floor.

Flu shots also available while the supply lasts at the Dowell Health Center, mornings from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., on a walk-in basis.

If you have not heard, this year is expected to be BAD for the flu.* Several previously healthy children have died in Colorado from the flu. We are already seeing students at the Health Center with flu-like symptoms. The real thing is much worse. The vaccine takes 7-10 days to take effect. So don’t wait any longer and don’t risk missing finals, getting sick over the holidays or spreading the flu to friends and family, particularly children and the elderly. Do your part and get vaccinated.

FYI: The flu shot CANNOT give you the flu (it’s a killed virus vaccine). But, it definitely CAN prevent or lessen the severity of the flu. To prevent minor symptoms, just take Tylenol or Ibuprofen right after you get your flu shot.

*According to the CDC’s national surveillance system, there is increased influenza activity appearing earlier than any previous year for which they have such information. The good news is: Influenza activity is still localized in Maryland, but that means there is still time to get immunized and protect yourself before the spread increases.

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