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Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series: Taking the Terror out of Terrorism

On November 15 at 6 p.m., The Division of Economic and Community Outreach at Towson University will present Colonel Edward V. Badolato, USMC, (Ret.), who will offer his perspectives on how all Americans must change the way they approach terrorism in order to wage war?and win?against terrorism.

The inaugural lecture in the The Edward V. Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series on Homeland Security will take place in the Minnegan Room at the Johnny Unitas Stadium at Towson University. A reception will follow. Colonel Badolato will describe the how?s and why?s of changes that must be made in order to protect against future attacks:
* using the basic vulnerabilities of terrorists against them
* putting a Four Point Strategy in place to defeat terrorism in our own backyards and neighborhoods
* understanding the domestic terrorism threat
* mobilizing the concerned citizen?the missing element in Homeland Security
* putting the National Guard back into the State?s domestic security picture
* creating another ?greatest generation.?

Badolato, a retired Marine Colonel, served former Presidents Reagan and Bush as deputy secretary of energy focusing on counter- terrorism. He is executive vice president of homeland security for The Shaw Group in Washington, D.C.

Admission is free and open to the public, but space is limited. Call 410-704-3200 to reserve a seat. Complimentary parking will be available.

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