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TUSC Brown Bag: “Identity Theft” Today at Noon!

This past August, PNC Bank became Towson’s official on-campus bank. In addition to its banking services, PNC Bank also offers a variety on-site, financial workshops dealing with such topics as credit management, home buying, and identity protection. Come join us and hear PNC Bank’s Tanesha Boldin as she shares how we can protect ourselves from identity theft by safeguarding our information on-line, at home, and while shopping. It promises to be an engaging and interactive presentation.

Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Cook Library, Room CK507

Faculty, staff and students are welcome. Lunch will not be provided, but please feel free to bring your own. Parking around the library is limited, so please consider taking the shuttle or walking. For more information on TUSC, please visit our website at {http://www.towson.edu/tusc}.