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TUSC Brown Bag: Emergency Preparedness & Active Shooter Response

With Cpl. Joseph Gregory, Towson University Office of Public Safety and Office of Emergency Preparedness

Please join TUSC and Corporal Joseph Gregory for a valuable presentation on emergency preparedness & active shooter response. Representing the Office of Emergency Preparedness, Cpl. Gregory will provide us with information on how to prepare for emergencies in the workplace as well as at home. Corporal Gregory will also offer information on what we can do in the event we find ourselves in an Active Shooter situation, and how to prevent these events from occurring. What we learn from Cpl. Gregory at this brown bag session will help us stay safe at work and home.

Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Towson Room, CK507, Cook Library

Faculty, staff, and students are welcome. Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 17 to {tusc@towson.edu} with the name of the event, your name, and department. Lunch will not be provided, but please feel free to bring your own. Parking around Cook Library is limited, so please consider taking the shuttle or walking. For more information on TUSC, please visit our website at {http://www.towson.edu/tusc}.