TU home | T3 | Take the Plunge! Join the Towson University Polar Bear Plunge Team

Take the Plunge! Join the Towson University Polar Bear Plunge Team

We dare you to take the plunge! Join the Towson University Polar Bear Team for the 10th anniversary celebration of the Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge. Join Governor Robert Ehrlich Jr. and many other celebrity guests as we raise money for Special Olympics Maryland to help our 10,000+ athletes from around the state train and compete year-round.

The plunge will take place on Saturday, Jan. 28 at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis. Registration begins at 10 a.m. Take the plunge at 2 p.m.!

To join the Towson Team or to make a donation, go to Towson’s Team page at {https://www.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=145612&lis=1&kntae145612=2CD504F47F814E1FB7E7E46A2BC70A63&supId=0&team=1189044&cj=Y} and click on Join Our Team or General Team Donation.

If you have questions, please contact Mark Addy, OTS, at {maddy@towson.edu}.