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Employee Addresses Need to Be Updated by Nov. 30 for Tax Information

The following is a message from Payroll and the Office of Human Resources:

Central Payroll Bureau has asked Towson?s Payroll Office to remind all employees about the need to maintain up-to-date address information for timely distribution of their Annual Wage and Tax Statement (W-2 form). Employees should verify that the address on file is correct by reviewing their current check ?stub? or direct deposit remittance advice.

Use the Payroll Adress Change Form to update addresses. Go to {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/fiscalplanning/financialservices/Payroll-home.htm} and click on Payroll Address Change.

Requests to correct addresses must be received in the Office of Human Resources by Tuesday, Nov. 30 to assure inclusion on the 2004 W-2 Wage and Tax Statements. Student employees should send this form directly to the Payroll Office.

Questions regarding this message should be directed to the Financial Services Help Line at x4-5599.
