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View TU’s “Campus Vision” Master Plan Video

Towson University?s master plan is now available for viewing by the general public through a video titled, ?The Campus Vision,? found at {rtsp://realsrv.Towson.edu/static/masterplan.rm}. The master plan establishes a long-term vision, shared by the university and its community partners, for the successful future development of the campus.

The video, which was produced by TU faculty, staff and alumni, was presented to the Board of Regents Finance Committee earlier this semester. The University of Maryland System Board of Regents approved the plan on Friday, Oct. 17.

The master plan took into consideration the views of more than 75 campus and community groups and over 1,000 people. It establishes a new unified, modern and coherent campus that maintains the university?s mission to support both internal and external community relationships, as well as addresses University System of Maryland requirements.

Students, faculty, staff and the university?s surrounding communities will all find aspects of the plan targeted to suit their needs. The video illustrates how academic buildings and residence halls, the outward appearance of buildings and landscaping, as well as student life and athletic facilities will improve over the next 50 to 60 years.

View ?The Campus Vision? to get a closer look at the following highlights to the master plan: