TU home | T3 | Reminder: Network Down in Stephens Annex & Auburn House Today; Newell Dining, Power Plant & General Services Tomorrow

Reminder: Network Down in Stephens Annex & Auburn House Today; Newell Dining, Power Plant & General Services Tomorrow

Newell Dining Hall, the Power Plant and the General Services Building will not have campus e-mail or Internet access tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 4 as work continues for the university?s network upgrade project. Regular service will be restored to these buildings on Thursday, Aug. 5.

Also, please note that the network is down in the Stephens Annex and the Auburn House today, Tuesday, Aug. 3. Any communications sent across the Internet and network to users in this building might not be received until tomorrow. The Office of Technology Services (OTS) suggests that you use telephone service as an alternative.

For information about future downtime dates for specific campus buildings, please refer to the Downtime Schedule, located at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/networkcom/unpluggeddowntimes.asp}. OTS recommends that you check the downtime schedule frequently as downtime dates may be subject to change.

The upgrade to Towson?s wired network will provide a dependable foundation on which to build Towson Unplugged, TU?s upcoming wireless network, scheduled to be available by the completion of fall semester 2004. For more information about preparing for wireless in the fall, check out the Towson Unplugged Web pages at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/networkcom/towsonunplugged.asp}.

If you have questions or concerns about the downtimes, please contact OTS? Towson Unplugged Team at {unplugged@towson.edu}.