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REMINDER! Downtimes to Begin Next Week for Campus Network Upgrade

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) will begin implementing Towson?s new campus network on Thursday, July 15 with a scheduled completion date of Sunday, August 15. The upgrade requires several downtimes on a building-by-building basis.

What to Expect:
During downtimes, users in affected buildings will not have access to campus e-mail or the Internet. In addition, any communications sent across the Internet and network to users in affected buildings might not be received until the day following the downtime.

How to Prepare:
For information about downtime dates for specific campus buildings, please refer to the Downtime Schedule, located at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/networkcom/unpluggeddowntimes.asp}. OTS suggests that you check the downtime schedule frequently as downtime dates are subject to change.

OTS also recommends that you use Daily Digest as a resource. Reminder messages will be posted in Daily Digest on a weekly basis, as well as the day prior to and the day of a specific building?s downtime. OTS will also post signs at all building entrances on the day prior to and the day of the downtime.

Northrop Grumman Information Technology personnel and OTS employees will be working in each building during its downtime. The OTS staff will be available to answer your questions and address any issues.

Wired for Wireless:
The upgrade to Towson?s wired network will provide a dependable foundation on which to build Towson Unplugged, TU?s upcoming wireless network, scheduled to be available by the completion of fall semester 2004. It will also provide increased reliability, performance, manageability and security.

The campus-wide wireless network will allow you to use laptops and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to access network resources, including the Internet, without being physically connected to a network wall jack. For more information about preparing for wireless in the fall, check out the Towson Unplugged Web pages at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/networkcom/towsonunplugged.asp}.

Contact Information:
If you have questions or concerns about the downtimes, please contact the Towson Unplugged Team at {unplugged@towson.edu}.