TU home | T3 | A Message for TU Faculty as They Plan for the Summer and Fall Semesters

A Message for TU Faculty as They Plan for the Summer and Fall Semesters

As you plan for the summer and fall semesters be sure to keep OTS Training in mind. If you will be assigning presentations and Web sites, our open workshops on PowerPoint and FrontPage may prove timely resources for both you and your students. Our ever-growing library of Self-Help Documents and Movies may be just the ticket for those unavailable or uninterested in attending workshops. Should you wish, you are certainly welcome to print and distribute those documents pertinent to your instruction. As you put the finishing touches on your syllabi, feel free to include some or all of the following information, and thanks for your excellent work!

From {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining}, students, faculty and staff can quickly access the following resources without a lot of searching and scrolling:

 A calendar of workshops scheduled for the next three months
 Web-based tools for workshop registration
 Movie (Flash) tutorials on many popular topics
 Self-Help Documents (PDF) on many more popular topics, including FrontPage, PowerPoint and Blackboard, to name just a few

Incidentally, if there are self-help resources from which your students might benefit that are not listed among our documents and movies, let us know by writing to {training@towson.edu} or calling x4-4070.