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FREE Registration for Towson’s Relay for Life

From today until Halloween we are offering FREE registration to Relay for Life. The event will be held on Friday, April 8, 2011 @ 7 p.m. and end Saturday, April 9, 2011 @ 7 a.m.

Visit our website, {www.relayforlife.org/towson} to sign up today! Select the Early Bird option. You will have until April to fundraise your $10 fee or pay it later online. If you do not raise it or pay it by April, then simply pay the $15 fee at the door. But you don’t need any money now!

We are still looking for committee members to help us in the planning of Relay for Life. If you are interested in helping, come to our meeting on either Tuesday, October 26th @ 7 p.m. in the SGA Office or Thursday, October 28th @ 7 p.m. in the SGA Office. Anything you can do to help would be a great help!

All that is done for Relay counts as community service hours for yourself or for your student group.

To follow up on Relay information, find us on involved@TU!

For questions or more information about the meeting contact the Exec Board (Ashley Blanton, Ali Thompson, and David Stahl) at {towsonrelay@gmail.com}

To find out more information about Relay for Life please visit {www.relayforlife.org/towson}