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Are you unhappy with the plus/minus grading system?

Attention Students: The University Senate, composed of mainly faculty and a few student representatives, will be voting on a motion to maintain the current grading policy, with plus/minus grades, no A+, and a C- grade which is considered failing. The SGA believes that our current grading system is unsatisfactory to many students and faculty alike. If you are one of those unsatisfied students please come to this meeting on Monday, February 7th, at 4 p.m. in the University Union room 314-316 to show the people deciding our grading policy that this issue is important to you. The student representatives on the Senate will be presenting to the rest of the Senate an option to eliminate plus/minus grading and your presence and support will make a difference. Let?s show that Towson University students do care about decisions affecting them and that we do have a voice. Hope to see you on Monday.

The Towson University Student Government Association