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CAA Annual Undergraduate Research Conference – Call for Papers and Posters

Provost Brennan is pleased to announce that Hofstra University will host the 3rd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference of the Colonial Academic Alliance. The conference will take place on April 8-9, 2005. The conference will feature both a poster session and panels of oral presentations. Each member institution is invited to bring up to twelve student participants, of which Hofstra can accommodate up to four oral presenters. We recommend one or two faculty members to accompany the student participants. Faculty advisors are encouraged to select student participants from a wide distribution of research fields. The poster session and the oral presentation sessions are open to the public. I have asked the Undergraduate Research Committee to coordinate the selection process from Towson University. Prof. L. Wimmers and Ms. M. Volland are the co-chairs of the committee. Please refer to the web site for more details on the Call for Papers and Posters: {www.hofstra.edu/Administration/Provost/CAA_Conference/index_CAA_Conference.cfm>} .
Thank you.

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