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VIP Series; Was the Iraq War Necessary?

Wednesday, February 18th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Potomac lounge, Dr. Nitza Nachmias will be speaking on “From Desert Storm to Shock and Awe, Was War in Iraq Really Necessary?” Dr. Nachmias is a Professor of Political Science at Towson University and also a Professor at Haifa University in Israel.

Towson Hillel is launching a new educational initiative on campus called the VIP series (Very Interesting Professor). Professors will be invited to speak outside the classroom on topics of general interest to todays Towson student. Each session will involve question and answer and we hope to spark discussion and debate amongst the student community on those issues important to everyone.

The series is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Activities and by Housing and Residence Life. See you there!

Contact Hillel at 410-704-4671 or {hillel@towson.edu}

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