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TU Internship Program in London

Applications are being accepted for the new TU Internship Program in London. Deadlines = March 1, 2004 for Fall semester and October 1 for Spring 2005.

The new program will offer 2 classes, already approved & accepted in the MCOM & Business Department, as well as a 6 credit Internship component at appropriate businesses in the London Metropolitan area!

Students will take these 2 classes:

Advertising Management/Advertising Elective : MKTG 345 / UD MCOM Elective
International Business/International Advertising : MNGT 375 / MCOM 443

and do a 6 credit Internship:
for Business students it will count as CBEC 460 & CBE Major 497; for Mass Comm majors it will count as 6 credits of MCOM 460

Applications are available at: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/studyabroad/eusa.html}

Contact information:
Study Abroad Office
t. 410-704-2451