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Coping Skills Clinic – Procrastination

Want to have a successful semester? Want to increase your efficiency and decrease stress? If so, join us this week (Wednesday, March 3) for a mini-presentation on Procrastination. In addition, a portion of our time will be devoted to discussing and addressing your individual coping skills needs.

Each week the Coping Skills Clinic will present concrete tips on a variety of coping topics, and work specifically with students to identify problems and help improve coping strategies. Some common coping issues are: Dealing with Stress, Anxiety, Worry, and Panic Attacks; Improving Time Management; Stopping Procrastination; Tips for Different Learning Styles; and Effective Study.

The Coping Skills Clinic will meet every Wednesday this semester (except Spring Break) from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at the Glen Esk building (Counseling Center). You need not commit to more than one session, but please come by 3:30 p.m. if you would like to participate.

To sign up, contact the Counseling Center at (410) 704-2512. For more information, call and ask for Dr. Greg Reising or Dr. Nancy Hensler.