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Upcoming Emerging Technology Workshops

Emerging Technologies: Using Multimedia (Video and Audio) In Instruction (iTunes U and YouTube)
Date: Friday March 5, 2010
Time: Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Cook 404B
Presented by: Ron Santana and Patricia Halstead
Description: The use of online media (video and audio) has made the internet more interactive than ever. This workshop will investigate two new avenues for you to showcase and distribute your media productions. Specifically, we will discuss the recently launched Towson University iTunes-U Site and the TU YouTube channel.

Emerging Technologies: Creating a Social Networking and Learning Environment using Ning
Date: Friday April 16, 2010
Time: Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Cook 404B
Presented by: Sandra Nichols and Philippe Duverger
Description: Ning is a free online service that allows you to easily develop, customize and manage your own social network. The social network may be open to the public or restricted to invited guest only. Another Web 2.0 tool, Ning is being integrated into the learning environment by instructors looking to merge the gap between social networking and social learning.

Emerging Technologies: Using Blogs for Discussions and Reflection
Date: Friday May 7, 2010
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Location: Cook 404B
Presented by: Sharon Pitcher
Description: Blogs are web logs that offer users the ability to easily share information and ideas. Towson Faculty members like Dr. Sharon Pitcher are using blogs to create a natural environment for classroom discussion, individual reflection, interaction, and small group communication.
During this hands-on session Dr. Pitcher will discuss how she incorporated blogs into her courses and guide participants through the blog development process.

Also look for these Teaching @ Towson workshops:
– Teaching @ Towson: Teaching Millennials, March 3, 2010, Noon ? 1:30 p.m., Cook 404A
– The Human Classroom: Facilitating a Community of Learners, April 2, 2010, Noon ? 1:30 p.m., Cook 507 (The Towson Room)

If you register for a full workshop, you will be added to the waitlist. We will email you if room becomes available.

Cancellation Policy
CIAT/OTS training workshops will be cancelled if the university announces an emergency closing (with the exception of fully online workshops). All attempts will be made to reschedule workshops in a timely manner. For alerts, see the university?s emergency closing information page at {http://www.towson.edu/main/abouttu/newsroom/emergencyclosing.asp}

Sponsored by the Center for Instructional Advancement and Technology and the Office of Technology Services Training group.