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Build a legacy…

What is unique about your experience here at Towson that you can?t get at any other college?

At Harvard University, it is said that if you touch the statue of John Harvard?s left foot you will receive intellectual wisdom.
At Penn State, if a student says ?We are?? other students within the vicinity will yell ?PENN STATE!?
At Purdue University, all freshmen take part in a fountain run where they run through the campus?s main fountain to establish themselves as ?Boilermakers?.

At Towson, our students dance with the Marching Band whenever they play the ESPN theme? We have Tigerfest every spring… but we want to build more Towson-specific traditions. Traditions that when the Student Ambassadors give their tours to prospective students, these are the things they speak of. Traditions that when students leave Towson University, they reflect back to say ?My favorite memory is when? because that?s when I knew I was a tiger?.

The Towson University Traditions Committee is currently seeking student representatives. This committee focuses on establishing large scale shared experiences (traditions!) for current and future Towson students, with the ultimate goal of increasing the bond between our student body (and ultimately school pride). This is an opportunity for students to leave a mark on Towson University where when you come back 10 years later you can say ?I started this?, and no one believes you, even though it?s true.

If interested, please e-mail Chris Rindosh, {crindosh@towson.edu} and answer the following questions:

1. Why do you want to be a part of the Towson University Tradition?s Committee?
2. What is the value behind holding traditions?
3. Please give an example of one tradition you hold outside of Towson University?

We are seeking dedicated students who are eager to make a positive difference here at Towson. The Traditions Committee will meet on Thursdays at 1:30PM, you must be able to attend these meetings if you wish to participate. Help us build an experience you can’t get anywhere else.