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Spring 2004 Student Computing Workshops

Student Computing Services (SCS) workshops are open to all students, faculty, and staff and cover the standard campus applications and systems listed below. Most sessions are 75 minutes long and include both formal instruction and hands-on practice. To view the SCS schedule or register for training, visit {http://www.towson.edu/scs/training}. Good luck and may we all end the semester much smarter and wiser than we are now!

? PowerStart: An Overview of Campus Computing Essentials for Students (2 hours)
? Open Webmail Basics (75 minutes)
? Introduction to Digital Graphics & Scanning (75 minutes)
? Microsoft Word Basics (75 minutes)
? Microsoft Excel Basics (75 minutes)
? Microsoft PowerPoint Basics (75 minutes)
? Microsoft PowerPoint Beyond Basics (75 minutes)
? Microsoft PowerPoint Topics: Adding Audio (75 minutes)
? Microsoft FrontPage Basics (2.5 hours)
? Microsoft FrontPage Topics: Adding Dynamic Elements (75 minutes)

Training for other applications and systems is available by appointment; vistit the SCS Training Page {http://www.towson.edu/scs/training} for more information.