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UPDATE: January Conference

Wednesday, January 14, 2004
University Union, Chesapeake Rooms
8:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Theme: Civic Engagement

The January Conference will have an overview of the topic of civic engagement by national expert, Jason Stephens, and a response by the President and the Provost. Mr. Stephens is a Carnegie Foundation scholar and joint author of “Educating Citizens: Preparing America’s Undergraduates for Lives of Moral and Civic Responsibility.” Breakout groups by college will develop civic engagement plans. Posters from past and ongoing civic engagement activities from all colleges will be exhibited during the Conference.

To register: contact Donna Guillott at x43828 or {dguillott@towson.edu}.


8:30am-9:00am Breakfast
(Civic Engagement Exhibits from six Colleges on display)

9:00am-9:10am Welcoming Remarks-President Caret

9:10am-9:15am Introduction-Dean Esslinger & Luz Mangurian

9:15am-10:00am Keynote Address-Jason Stephens

10:00am-10:15am Break

10:15am-11:30am Breakout Groups by College: Planning future civic engagement activities

11:30am-Noon Report of Discussions from College Groups

Noon-1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:15pm Breakout groups by Theme

2:15pm-2:30pm Report of Discussion from Theme Groups

2:30pm-2:45pm Response by Dr. Rita Marinho-Dean, CLA

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