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Grading Scheme for Spring 2004

I hope all of you had safe and enjoyable holidays. As the start of the Spring semester draws closer and you prepare instructional materials, please be sure to include a detailed explanation of your grading scheme in the syllabus for each course being taught.

Inclusion of a grading scheme in course syllabus was approved by the University Senate and is now University Policy. The grading scheme must include the numeric or percentage value for each assignment, and whether you plan to use plus and minus grades.

It would also be very helpful to review the grading scheme with students at the beginning of the course so students will know how their work will be evaluated. Experience in the Provost?s Office has shown that faculty who provide clear explanations of their grading schemes have fewer student complaints about grades.

Please contact Bill Reuling, Assistant to the Provost, on extension 4-4632 if you have any questions about grades or grading.

I wish you a rewarding and successful Spring 2004 semester. Please call on me if I can provide any assistance.