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Upcoming OHR Workshops during March

Please Note: If Towson University opens late on a day that a workshop is scheduled, the workshop will be cancelled and rescheduled as soon as possible.

Business Writing II: Writing Like It?s Your Job (Elective course for the Workplace Professional Certificate and the Management and Supervision Certificate)
Would you like to hone your writing skills for increased effectiveness? This course is targeted toward participants who have solid basic writing skills and would like to improve their writing effectiveness. Participants will learn to organize writing for logical flow and easy comprehension; construct concise, powerful sentences; write with a purpose; and evaluate their effectiveness. Skills gained will strengthen a variety of business documents, including memoranda, e-mail, and short business reports. The majority of class time will be spent applying writing skills rather than learning them. Prerequisite: Business Writing I or significant writing experience. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011
Time: 1 to 4 p.m.
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Susanna Sayre, Department of English

Mock Hearing for Supervisors/Managers (Elective course for the Management & Supervision Certificate)
Are you prepared for a grievance/disciplinary hearing? Gain knowledge of expectations and the process by participating in the mock grievance/disciplinary hearing based upon multiple hypothetical workplace scenarios. Recommended prerequisite: Employee/Employer Relations and the Supervisor or equivalent training. Register online at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Time: 9 a.m. to noon
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Jo Ann Joseph, Office of Human Resources

Ready, Set, Present! (Elective course for the Workplace Professional Certificate and elective course for the Management and Supervision Certificate)
This workshop is geared toward those with important information to share in front of groups of individuals. This workshop will provide participants with the basics for preparing, organizing, and delivering a powerful presentation. Participants will learn to overcome anxiety; organize and structure the presentation; prepare and use effective visual aids; address, understand, and connect with the audience in a clear, motivating and memorable fashion; establish credibility; and develop an overall effective presentation style. Register online at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Time: 9 a.m. to noon
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Mike Noll, Office of Human Resources

Overcoming Roadblocks in Gender Communication (Elective course for the Workplace Professional Certificate and the Management and Supervision Certificate)
Do men and women communicate differently? Does it matter? Genetics, learned roles, and socialization all contribute to differences in the ways men and women communicate. In the workplace, differences in male and female communication styles can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and mistakes. Attend this workshop to learn more about these cultural differences, how to apply communication styles to help avoid gender-related conflicts that can impede your success, how to keep conflicts from escalating, and how to confront others in a way that minimizes defensiveness and hostility. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 (rescheduled due to snow on January 26th)
Time: 9 a.m. to noon
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Debbie Seeberger, Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity

TEC Featured Course of the Month for March: Interpersonal Communication: Communicating with Confidence ( comm_21_a01_bs_enus )
This course shows you how the essential elements of trust, credibility, and specific confident communication behaviors bring about confident communication and enhance your influence. It highlights the advantages of communicating with confidence, explores the construction of trust and credibility, and clarifies how trust and credibility result in confident communications. Look at the list of scheduled workshops being offered this spring, register for them, and get all the information you need at {http://www.towson.edu/hrtraining}.

Contact Training and Development Manager Mike Noll at x4-6015 or {mnoll@towson.edu} for additional information.