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New student “To-Do Lists” being distributed; expect inquiries

The Freshman, Transfer and Freshman Transition Program (CCBC) To-Do List Web sites and publications have been prepared and are being distributed to new students after they complete their Enrollment Contract (or Participation Agreement for the Freshman Transition Program). These To-Do Lists detail programs and tasks that must be completed prior to the start of classes for the fall 2009 term. Please note that each To-Do List is specific to the different types of entering student: traditional freshmen, transfer students, or new students participating in the Freshman Transition Program, a partnership program between the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) and Towson University (TU).

All departments may access the online version of each To-Do List at {www.towson.edu/newstudents} by clicking on the appropriate list. In addition, the process will be supported by a weekly high-quality e-mail campaign and postings to the Admissions Facebook page (search decide.towson).

Note: The Freshman Transition Program To-Do List contains specific tasks that apply to Towson and/or CCBC and vary as compared to our traditional Freshman and Transfer To-Do Lists.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Berends in the Undergraduate Marketing Department at 410-704-4697 or by e-mail at {mberends@towson.edu}.