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Sabbatical presentation -Melissa McCabe, Department of Music

Elementary Instrumental Music Assessment Practices in the United States

While much attention has been given to the need for assessment and accountability in education, little research has been done showing how to assess and grade music students effectively. Even less research exists examining assessment practices in elementary instrumental music programs, a stage that might possibly be the most important concerning instrumental music. The goal of this sabbatical project was to develop a series of valid and reliable assessment tools for this age group by conducting a nationwide survey of elementary instrumental music teachers regarding assessment techniques and strategies used in the classroom.

Surveys were sent to 2,102 elementary instrumental music teachers across the United States. The survey asked the participants to rate how often they used various assessment tools and identify barriers to the assessment of student learning. Fourteen elementary instrumental music teachers (2 from each of the regions identified in the database), were selected for interviews. A total of 7 elementary instrumental music teachers were selected from the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Midwest, and Southern regions for classroom observations. The survey responses, interviews, and observations helped guide the development of my resource book and the creation of practical and useful assessment tools for music educators.

Friday, December 7

3:00-3:40 PM

CA 2032