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Student Research Forum

Every Fall semester, the Biological Sciences Department and Tri-Beta Honor Society present the Student Research Forum, a venue for undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research. Faculty are also invited to present their work.

This year’s symposium will be on December 7th from 11:00am-1:30pm. Please encourage your students to participate!

There will be awards given out for best poster, second best poster, and possibly honorable mentions in both undergraduate and graduate student categories.

Registration deadline is on November 21 @ 5:00pm

To register follow this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=knP5y_ZJ3Umophn3EO_MNQWIxBqEgThNn3VmcOfiAeNUNUVIMk9ZUEVaT1lRT01EUEZQUktaODJTQy4u

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